You can find on this page the Norway road map to print and to download in PDF. The Norway driving map presents the detailed road network, main highways and free motorways of Norway in Northern Europe.

Norway roads map

Maps of Norway roads

The Norway road map shows all roads network and main roads of Norway. This road map of Norway will allow you to preparing your routes and find your routes through the roads of Norway in Northern Europe. The Norway roads map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

Norway has a road network of 92,946 kilometres (57,754 mi), of which 72,033 kilometres (44,759 mi) are paved and 664 kilometres (413 mi) are motorway as you can see in Norway roads map. There are four tiers of road routes; national, county, municipal and private, with only the national roads numbered en route. The most important national routes are part of the European route scheme, and the two most prominent are the E6 going north-south through the entire country, while E39 follows the West Coast. National and county roads are managed by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. Motorways exist around the largest cities; many of the larger cities have introduces toll schemes to help finance roads. In 2008, 130 ferry routes remained in service, operated by private companies on contract with the Public Roads Administration.

As in other Scandinavian countries, Norwegians drive on the right side of the road. Rural roads are generally two lanes and can be narrow and winding, particularly in mountainous areas. In Norway, speed limits are posted as kilometres per hour (km/h): Country roads: usually 80 km/h, Residential neighbourhoods: as low as 30 km/h; make sure to slow down for speed control bumps. Commercial areas/urban centres: usually 50 km/h, Dual carriageways/motorways: usually 90 or 100 km/h as its shown in Norway roads map. Norwegians are very serious about following posted speed limits as fines are quite steep and speed cameras are posted along many roadsides around the country. There are over 900 road tunnels of varying lengths in Norway, mostly in the western regions. Road tunnels are typically two-lane, motorists should be aware of possible ice bumps near the entrances in the winter months.

National Tourist Route Varanger runs from Varangerbotn to Hamningberg, a total distance of 160 km (Road 75/341) as its mentioned in Norway roads map. Experience one of Norway most beautiful round trips by combining this route with the Hurtigruten coastal express and National Tourist Route Havøysund. The road out to Havøysund is fascinatingly varied and even though it is only a couple of hundred metres above sea level at the highest point, you get the feeling of driving above the tree line. Parts of the road traverse a barren rocky landscape with the Arctic Ocean on one side and rugged outcrops on the other. The National Tourist Route Helgelandskysten is the longest of the 18 National Routes. The six ferry trips and the contrasts the route presents mean that you must set aside plenty of time for the drive. Going from Jektvik to Kilboghamn you cross the Arctic Circle at 66 degrees northern latitude.

Norway highway map

Maps of Norway motorways

The Norway highway map shows toll and free motorways of Norway. This highways map of Norway will allow you to prepare your routes on motorways of Norway in Northern Europe. The Norway highway map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

The Arctic Highway – the interior main thoroughfare between Norway north and south, and more prosaically known as the E6 – cops something of a bad rap. Comparing it to the jaw-droppingly beautiful coastal Kystriksveien, it invariably comes up short. And yet it is all relative. Yes, the Arctic Highway has more traffic and is the faster route between north and south as you can see in Norway highway map. But by any measure this passage from one Norway to another is a beautiful road, taking you within sight of some of northern Norway prettiest scenery and crossing the Arctic Circle in the process. If you plan on travelling both directions during your visit, make sure you take this road on one of them.

Norway western coast is home to some of the most dramatic landscapes on earth. Carved by glaciers throughout the ages, some of these fjords stretch for 200 kilometres inland and are over a kilometre deep. The current convoluted travel route through and around this terrain takes you along Norway 1,100 kilometre, 683 mile, E39 highway - a road with a total journey time of 21 hours as its shown in Norway highway map. Now, the Norwegian government are working to improve access to services and residential and labour markets across the country western regions by embarking on the largest infrastructure project in the nation history. The E39 runs between, Kristiansand in the far south of the country and Trondheim in the north. The route navigates its way across the fjord network and features no fewer than seven ferry crossings.

Beautiful and extended Norway embraces the “road revolution”. The Nordic country at the northern tip of Europe is undertaking the biggest ever infrastructure project in its modern history in order to make the farthest corners of country fully reachable by car, with seamless connections and acceptable travel times as its mentioned in Norway highway map. The entire Scandinavian region is undergoing a “building bonanza” to improve road network and reduce traffic and congestion. Norway aims to connect its out-of-the-way regions with a modern and futuristic road linking the two opposite sides: an improved highway will link the southern city of Kristiansand up to Trondheim in the north pole. The total travel time between the two cities is today around 21 hours, and drivers need to use seven different ferry connections. A €33 billion bill for the E39 highway project has been approved by the parliament: it will stretch for 1,100 kilometers (683 miles).